Search Results for "art"


Muscle Oni (Ju Tanka) 1 - PDF

Muscle Oni (Ju Tanka) 1
Price: 6.00
(Story: Lil Guy, Artwork: ZGannero)

She was a pure monster of muscle and sex "Ass not so bad either," She Thought She lifted her robe showing massive glutes. They were buns of pure steal "Lets see if this body is just for show" She dropped down and started doing some pushed up. She got up to 500 pushed up and then even sweat. She switches to arm and did 1000 "Hmm not so bad," She Thought She grabbed the bed and lifted it up with one hand. She lifted it over her head walking around the room She found her senses were heighten. She could smell and hear better. If she concentrated, she could hear from miles away. The costume. The colors of it were orange and red. The Kimono gave people a nice view of her breast. She was deep into the Alphabet when it come to breast size. Her tits felt amazing. They were full and womanly. She flexed her pectoral making them bounce. They were large, Over G cups. They stood out in pride defying gravity. Her feet were 16 inches. Her mom had put in some sandals that she could step in easy on. She found putting on the mask changed the way she saw herself. She felt confident and powerful. The adrenaline pumping through her. She could feel the heart beating in her chest like a Thunder. She felt ALIVE.

monster muscle sex glutes buns body pushed up arm sweat bed senses heighten smell hear costume colors Kimono breast Alphabet tits pectoral G cups feet sandals mask confident powerful adrenaline heart alive

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Concetta and Yau Nam - PDF

Concetta and Yau Nam
Price: 8.00

Concetta is a high level, black belt practioner of the Yau Nam. Yau Nam is a little-known sexual and martial art. This is an account of one morning in her life - she first shags three men senselss, then moves on to the Yau Nam dojo and takes on two Yau Nam masters. The morning is completed when she takes on the dojo instructor, and leaves him physically and sexually drained.

Concetta high level black belt practioner Yau Nam sexual martial art morning shags men senselss dojo masters instructor physically drained sexually drained

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Firebrand muscular women - PDF

Firebrand muscular women
Price: 8.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Amy and Jessica take Robert Scott through the most exhaustive and exhausting sexual experience of his life. Amy's mom, Elizabeth, is the fourth participant in this sexual explosion, adding her muscles and experiece to the fray.

Amy Jessica Robert Scott exhaustive exhausting sexual experience Elizabeth fourth participant sexual explosion muscles experience

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Pizza Girl part two - PDF

Pizza Girl part two
Price: 8.00

Revenge is a dish best served brass monkeys, unlike pizza. So, the next time I see Eric, I use my Pizzagirl power to step on the pedals and catch up with him. I silently approach from behind, and blast him with my compressed air powered horn, sounding at 130 decibels just like a 56 ton 18 wheel truck mere inches behind him. He was suitably startled, swerved, wobbled, wobbled some more and went down, making a very satisfactory scrunching sound as he hit the deck. "Good morning, Eric," I called out merrily as I sailed past. Karma soon caught up with me - it started raining. Cats and dogs. So I reacted the way I always do - I got wet. But the pizza was safely tucked away in my insulated pannier, and I was able to deliver it, still hot. I stood there looking like a drowned kitten while the customer fetched some bread, which wetness I believe contributed to the handsome tip he gave me. Another contribution might have been the way that my wet shirt clung to my thrupenny bits. I'll take whatever I can get, except getting stiffed.

Revenge dish brass monkeys pizza Eric Pizzagirl power pedals compressed air horn decibels truck startled swerved wobbled scrunching sound Karma raining wet insulated pannier hot drowned kitten customer bread handsome tip wet shirt thrupenny bits stiffed

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part one - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part one
Price: 8.00

My name is Ayesha. I am a pious Muslima, married to Raafid, my four off springs are Maryam, Gamali, Nasif and baby Kaadiha. I wear the veil, because I am a modest woman. I'm not smart like my friend Sfiyah. She seems to know everything. I read my Quran, and I'm still rather ignorant, unskilled and often I don't understand what people are saying. But I'm happy. At least, I was happy, until Raafid decided that he didn't like my cooking. To be honest, I don't blame him - cooking is one of the many skills I've never mastered. My food comes in two varieties, soggy or burned. So for the last two years, we've been at loggerheads. First, he spoke to me and told me to improve my cooking. I asked "How?" but he didn't have an answer. Then he tried to punish me by not joining me in bed. That's supposed to be a punishment? And when neither of those worked, he started beating me. They say that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. That seemed to be true for me - I noticed that I was thickening in the places where the blows landed. And it was hard muscle, protecting my body from Raafid's rod. He kept it hanging on a hook on the wall, and I knew that when he took it down, I was in for another beating.

Ayesha pious Muslima married Raafid Maryam Gamali Nasif baby Kaadiha veil modest smart Sfiyah Quran ignorant unskilled happy cooking blame mastered food soggy burned loggerheads improve punish bed beating kill stronger thickening places blows muscle protecting body Raafid rod hanging hook wall

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The plough girl - part six - PDF

The plough girl - part six
Price: 8.00

We stayed talking until dusk, and then I lifted him back into the wheelchair, and set off for his apartment. "Olga," he said. "Mmh?" I answered. "Don't look back but we're being followed," he told me. I looked back. Sure enough, two guys were keeping station on us about fifty yards back. "Olga," he said again. "What?" "It's an ambush. There's another two guys up front, trying to hide in doorways. Leave me and run for it." "I'm not leaving you to get beaten up. That's my job," I joked. "Olga, this is serious. Four that I've spotted, and there could be others. And I don't think they're waiting to play patty-cake. Run for your life." No way. Plough girls aren't cowards. Gary had suffered enough at my hands, it was clearly on me to look after him. I wasn't going to leave him to the mercy of these four toughs. But I could see a way to even the odds a bit. I did a u-turn, and ran back the way we'd come. Clearly, the thugs weren't expecting me to run towards danger, so at first, they didn't know what to do. Ten seconds later I was in front of them. I kicked one of them in the head, which is a dangerous thing to do, because I could lead to a fatality, and the other one in the groin. He folded up nicely and I smashed my two fists into the back of his head as he went down. He hit the pavement, and lay still. By then, the other two had arrived, and I could see two more running towards me. This was good; two at a time is better than four at once. I left Gary and the two thugs I'd already handled, and met the first two before they could realise their mistake. I'm six foot three, and my legs are a lot longer than their arms. Which is just as well, because they were both armed with baseball bats, and looked like they were ready to use them. So I used the reach of my legs to kick one of them in the side, and there was a satisfying crack as his ribs broke. The other one swung his bat at me and connected. He hit my left shoulder, and my left arm went numb. But I grabbed his bat with my right hand and jerked it towards me. He had two choices, hold on or let go. Both choices were bad. If he let go, I would be armed and he not. So he hung on to the bat, and was jerked forward enough so that my raised knee could crash into his genitals. Strike four. The last two arrived, out of breath, and split up. One of them went for Gary, the other one pulled a knife and threatened me with it. So I picked up thug four and threw him at thug five, which I don't think he expected, and I followed up with a broken knife arm, so he dropped his weapon. A fist to the belly took him out of action, leaving thug six, who had wisely decided to make a run for it.

talking dusk wheelchair apartment followed ambush toughs danger fists baseball bats knife run

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Amy's Conquest part 2 Redux 2 - PDF

Amy's Conquest part 2 Redux 2
Price: 8.00

The scene starts out with the two gorgeous young musclegirls giggling up a storm, both filled with unreal excitement as they get themselves ready for their first female muscle video clip. Something neither of them have ever officially tried before, yet something they would wind up doing with such ease and unreal skill (not to mention plenty of sexy, young, female muscle) that anyone watching would have thought they had been practicing this online art for many years now. Bouncing up and down on a nearby bed (which was barely large enough to support these two massively muscle packed young women, Amy and Jessica were dressed in very short, tight and revealing lingerie, as they playfully smacked one another with large pillows taken from the front of this very bed. A true "Amazon Girl Sleepover" fantasy come true, and this was only the first 15 seconds. "Hi all, we're back, did you miss us?" Amy spoke out in a girlish tone, lowering her soft pillow down to her side, as she jumped off this barely still intact bed, with her fellow musclegirl following suit. "Well, we sure missed you" Jessica giggled out, continuing their act of little girls, which wasn't too far of a stretch, since they themselves were only 18 years old. Though you wouldn't know that from their voluptuous physiques, which displayed a level of athletic shape, size and hardness that one would think could only belong to someone several years their senior. Yet as much as their bodies gave them the appearance of womanly age and maturity, their incredibly gorgeous and youthful faces made them look almost too young to be "enjoying" such videos and photos. As for their maturity, well girls will be girls, which goes double for those with rock solid, steel hard physiques, who were more than able to take virtually anything that they wanted\u2026\u2026or in this case, ANYONE that they wanted. "We hope you liked our pictures, we worked really hard on them for you all, almost as hard as our Big, Sexy bodies, I'd say" she continued to chirp out in her little girl's voice. "

scene musclegirls giggling storm excitement female muscle video clip unreal skill sexy young female muscle practicing online art bouncing bed massively muscle packed Amy Jessica short tight revealing lingerie playfully smacked large pillows Amazon Girl Sleepover fantasy first 15 seconds Hi all back missed girlish tone soft pillow intact bed fellow musclegirl 18 years old voluptuous physiques athletic shape size hardness womanly age maturity gorgeous youthful faces enjoying videos photos maturity girls will be girls rock solid steel hard physiques virtually anything anyone liked pictures worked really hard Big Sexy bodies chirp out little girl's voice

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Amy's conquest 2 redux part 1 - PDF

Amy's conquest 2 redux part 1
Price: 8.00

Though with such unreal physical statistics as near 17" biceps, 27" thighs, DD-cup breasts, and a full 6 feet in height, it wasn't long after she started her own personal page that people started calling her the very obvious Amazon Amy, and her OurSpace page was literally flooded with male (and even a good amount of female) admirers of young, sexy, hard, female muscle. Which eventually lead to her being introduced to a separate, very select and private grouping of young girls (ranging in age from 18 - 23) who like herself were strong, powerful super feminine hardbodies. These sexy young Amazons were always on the look-out for more girls like themselves, and in Amy they found one of the best, so it was a no-brainer in giving her an official invite to this very select group. It was in fact her idea to arrange for pictures of their various feats and conquests to be taken and downloaded onto their own pages, showing off not only to one other, but to the very select grouping of lucky male admirers of female muscle all over the world, who simply couldn't get enough of these strikingly beautiful, teenage Amazon girls. Exquisite artwork by legendary artist Jupiter 1.

unreal physical statistics 17" biceps 27" thighs DD-cup breasts 6 feet Amazon Amy OurSpace page flooded male admirers female admirers young sexy hard female muscle separate select private grouping young girls age 18-23 strong powerful super feminine hardbodies Amazons look-out more girls best no-brainer official invite select group pictures feats conquests taken downloaded own pages showing off lucky male admirers female muscle strikingly beautiful teenage Amazon girls exquisite artwork legendary artist Jupiter

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The plough girl - part four - PDF

The plough girl - part four
Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Diana the Valkyrie)

Olga explains how to become a plough girl, and looks for a better-paying job. Olga is a tall, strongly built, over-sexed blonde. Her lack of experience in Western ways, gets her into trouble, but her powerful muscles keep her safe. Her striking good looks and well-developed figure lead her into many sexual situations; her kind and gentle nature is the reason why so many men survive her lovemaking. Inspiring artwork by New York City artist Hampton. "The plough girl" is a series of stories by Diana the Valkyrie; each week you can follow Olga's adventures.

Olga plough girl better-paying job tall strongly built over-sexed blonde lack of experience Western ways trouble powerful muscles safe striking good looks well-developed figure sexual situations kind gentle nature men survive lovemaking inspiring artwork New York City artist Hampton

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The plough girl part 2, illustrated - PDF

The plough girl part 2, illustrated
Price: 8.00

Mike measures Olga. 52 inch chest, so she explained that when she gets her sex life going again, everything will get bigger. She goes to a club and was refused entry, after a short altercation she steps over the bouncer into the club. Inside, some guy puts his hand up her skirt, so she brought her legs together, turned to face him, he didn't move quickly enough and his arm broke. The Olga finds a suitable dance partner; her idea of suitable means small and weak. She picked him up and took him to the dance floor, and held him close to her body as she fucked him then let him down to the floor; he was crying. When she got home, Mike was still awake, so she told him how she got mugged on the way home, and how she punished each of the would-be muggers. Then she took Mike to bed, her sixth sex of the evening. Next day, Olga tries to get a job. She was rejected as a waitress because of her size, she was rejected for heavy manual labour, because she's a girl, but she went back to the club and got a job there as a female bouncer. At the end of the evening, she stops a fight betwen two guys with a fist to the belly of each of them. She picked them up, one under each arm, and threw them out of the club. Superb artwork by Dracowhip.

Mike measures Olga 52 inch chest sex life bigger club refused entry altercation bouncer hand skirt legs together face arm broke suitable dance partner small weak dance floor fucked let him down crying home mugged punished would-be muggers bed sixth sex next day job rejected waitress size heavy manual labour girl female bouncer end of the evening fight fist belly picked them up threw them out club Superb artwork Dracowhip

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